Friday, April 17, 2009

Syracuse weekend #2

I find myself in Syracuse again.

I got here through a combination of persistance, resourcefulness, and disregard for my schoolwork. Wierd combo, but it worked.

I got the idea in my head from my hostess (mentioned in an earlier post... maybe I will give her a name. Let's call her Leah.... That works). She was discussing a job with me, and told me that the best way to deal with the folks at a place I'm looking to work is in person. I think she first mentioned this yesterday. So since then I've been thinking about how to get here in the back of my head. I asked a few people but it seemed no one was going down this way. The more I thought about my desire and need to get to Syracuse and to work and pay rent, and the more I thought about Leah, the more determined I became. I asked almost everyone on campus until a colleague of mine, Kowasc, offered me a ride. There was, of course, a catch- he would drop me off at the intersection of 90 and 81. This is essentially in the middle of a desert of asphalt and steel. It's cornered between a highway and a throughway. So, another colleague of mine, Blake, decided to help me try and find a way to take a bus from my drop-off point to my destination. After looking for about 10-15 minutes I was about to give up. The odds seemed against me. Lots of work to do, all due monday, a test on monday, no money, no reliable ride to my destination, reliance on a bus system in a city largely alien to me. But, just as I was about to throw my hands up, yet another colleague of mine came in and, sympathizing with my fear of the Syracuse public transportation system, offered me a ride to my destination, as she was heading down there anyway.

So, here I am.

This makes me wonder a little bit about the dynamics of the Universe I live in. All that I have learned from outside sources have told me that the Universe responds to our thoughts and that intention and energy create needed change. Why is it, then, that I had intention and need, and, while working and focusing two full days toward my goal, there was such resistance and it almost didn't happen?

It seems to work that way sometimes. Some things seem to come to me when I need them and intend them to. In fact, that seems to happen 70% of the time (arbitrary percentage, but its based on my experience). Then, another 25% of the time, things seem to take their time working out the way I'd like, but then, via an unexpected route, they manifest. Then, the last 5%, things seem to go so very wrong and simply do not manifest at all.

I'm not sure what causes these indescrepincies. It's very strange.

So, now that I'm here, I feel awkward.

Leah welcomed me as if she's seen me 100 times, which was nice. We sat and watched tv, with the occasional sarcastic remark. I asked her what her plans were for the evening, and she told me about some get together a friend of hers was having. I decided almost immediately I didn't want to go. So, she called her mate...he came over a few minutes later. We sat around some more, watching TV. She was doing mate-ish things with her mate (as to be expected), and I did my best not to be rude and look at it. She kept asking what we wanted to do, refering to her mate and I. I shrugged. Eventually she decided to go to bed. Her mate followed.

So here I sit, alone, in the quiet, typing away. I feel awkward. Like a third wheel.

I wonder- how come my company has never really seemed to be enough for her? Am I really that boring? Granted, last weekend we spent a lot of time alone together. But, still, I feel like she's bored around me or something. I can hear them in there, talking... so much for bed, I guess.

Blah. Being roommates ought to be really fun.

Now that I'm here, I've got a job hunt to do. Might as well try and enjoy my weekend in the meantime.

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