Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Elders

Over at The Wild Hunt, there's news that Oberon Zell-Ravenheart has been diagnosed with cancer. It's a full moon tonight, so I'm going to dedicate a portion of my Esbat activities to saying some prayers for him. In my eyes, he's certainly an Elder in the Pagan community, and he's been a great inspiration for a lot of us Pagan folk. He deserves our support. Here's to your health, Oberon.

This news inspires me to take a look at the current state of the Pagan community and, specifically, the Elders within it.

Ever since the beginning of the Pagan movement here in the US, we as a people have been blessed with many a man and woman dedicated to carving out a place for all of us in the modern world. They have been our leaders, our priests and priestesses, our guides, our Elders. I'm extremely thankful to them, and for their works on behalf of us.

Us Pagans (all of us, even the ones who refuse that title...) have certainly made progress in modern times. There have been a lot of battles on a lot of fronts for the sake of our rights to worship, and even exist. During tonight's full moon rite I'll be taking some time to really contemplate the sacrifices all of us have made for the sake of our way of life.

Also- that icon, the red fox...I'm not sure where it comes from, I found it on Google image search. It's pretty neat though, yes? Very serious/tough looking fox...

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