Sunday, August 10, 2008

The first posting

This is my first post on my first Pagan-themed blog.

Let me just say a few things to get them out of the way.

My name is Robin, and I am a Pagan. Wiccan, actually. I belong to a tradition of Wicca all my own, yet I hesitate to call it a "tradition" because I'm not dead yet, nor is anyone else practicing my particular 'flavor' of Wicca. But I use that word for lack of a better one. (Perhaps later I'll stop being so lazy and look up some synonyms for the word "tradition").

I'm a college student, currently a few days away from attending a forestry program at an environmental science college. My major is "forest technology" and I'm an aspiring Forester. My motivation for involving myself in the environmental sciences field should be obvious, but I'll probably post about it later.

This blog is in no way an attempt of mine to be a 'professional' blogger. I really don't know what I'm doing, even despite the fact that I've authored a few blogs in my day (most of them were in my teen years, when I was immature and "angsty", so they hardly count as blogs). This blog really is just my spot on the internet. I've put it here to organize my thoughts on Paganism and my spiritual practice, while simultaneously opening them up to the input of some like minded fellows that might happen accross this blog. I'm not sure of the worth or maturity of my thoughts on Paganism and related subjects, but I feel that all of us has something to share with the world. This blog is one of my more direct ways of sharing what I've got to share with others.

I don't consider myself in the same 'league' as the characters I've put in the "my favorite blogs" listing. The fact that they are listed there does not indicate that I think I'm as 'qualified' as they are to post on the internet about Paganism. Those folks are way more 'experienced' in Paganism and life in general, and the only thing we've got in common is the fact that we're all legally considered adults, and we're Pagan. I put them there (without their permission) to share their blog with people who may read this. That's all.

So, that's it for now. I'll probably post another entry later on today. But for now, hello, and welcome to my blog.

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